October 23, 2008


OK, you have to go check out the resort my husband & I are staying at for next 7 days!!!! http://www.grandhyattkauai.com/. For some reason it won't let me copy & paste but once you go to their website click on photos. This place is absolutely heavenly!!! My husband won this trip with his company & we are flying first class & everything is free that sounds even better!!! The only down fall is NO CHILDREN!!!! I have never left Annalei for even a night so you can imagine how this week may go for Grandma. Please pray that things will go smoothly so we can ALL enjoy it!!! I will try to post pictures from Hawaii but if I am having TO much FUN you will have to wait until I return.

Thanks again MOM you are the best to take on this challenge with our 2 kids!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am jealous!! Have a great trip and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I'm super jealous!! We were hoping to go to Hawaii this Christmas, and I dont think it will happen. Have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Ok - you've been back for a while - where are those pictures???

Anonymous said...

Maybe they moved to Hawaii???