January 5, 2009


Our first look at our precious daughter that changed our lives forever!!!

And then here is our Asian Princess 3 years later!!!

WOW, where has the time gone. 3 years ago today we saw your precious face for the very first time. I still am teary eyed thinking about that day. We actually got the call of all your information on Jan. 4th but had to wait to drive up to the agency on Jan. 5th to recieve your picture. How you have changed & how you have touched so many hearts the short time you have been here. We feel so blessed that God chose you for us & you are a perfect fit for our family. We look forward to many more memories & blessed days with you!!!
We love you our Gao Shao Ying!!!!


Stacey T. said...

Hi Terri, My mom bought the doll while we were waiting for our referal (which randomly is the same day as yours, today, three years ago). It is a Lee Middleton doll, but it has been retired for a long time. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Gwen Oatsvall said...

what a sweet picture ... my two asian princesses love to play dress up also ... the smile on their faces when they put on those dresses is priceless !!!

Lesa said...

Isn't it something how fast they grow up on us!? Congratulations on your third year anniversary.
I think I remember your first post. We have had our daughter Wendy for 4 years 2 months now!

From one Gao momma to another.

Erin said...

congrats terri and chad and daylen and annalei! i'm so happy for the four of you and can't wait to see what the next 3 years (and on) bring for you! love to you all!

Doug and Terrye said...

What a day that was!!! We knew we were in for a lot of joy, but we had no idea it would be this wonderful :)

Terrye in FL

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to our fellow Gao Shao Family!

Amazing- Three Years....

Love Always,
Anne-Marie, Chris, Sarah & Sophie

t~ said...

Oh, what a sweet referral photo! 3 years of growing and she's even more beautiful! What a gem!