January 8, 2009


I never seem to be able to get Annalei to wear a hat out of the house (besides Disney but the Mickey ears never stayed on real long either) but she sure seems to wear a lot of them when we are at home!!!!


Lesa said...

I love her hats. Where did you find her suitcase??? So neat, and how appropriate to visit Disney with!


Thank you for visiting my blog. Your daughter is a doll!

Erin said...

oh man, she is adorable!!! i love the cowgirl shot!

Anonymous said...

Love the topless cowgirl hat!!!
She is such a beauty!

Miss you guys!
Anne-Marie and the crew

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

She looks so cute in all of her hats....that first one is my favorite though... Sarah wore one just like that this summer!!

Thanks for coming out of lurk mode to say hello.....I will be back to visit soon!!


Steffie B. said...

love the cowboy hat....too cute....we had school....and thank you for the compliment on the pictures. I have had so much fun with my camera. I just got an upgrade....it's giving me some challenges right now....may have to go get a lesson or two from my photo guy! lol

Anonymous said...

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