I have to do a little bragging on my sister. She is so very talented & she never gets enough credit & I never do very well promoting her things that are for sale. So, this way I am going to get her name out there & advertise for her!!!! She makes really cool T-Shirt/Jersey quilts & now she puts photos on them as well. She also makes photo purses & she adds character to the purse & photos. She has made MANY, MANY bows for Annalei of all colors & styles & now she is making flip flops w/matching bows for the shoes, they are absolutely adorable!!!!! She just can do it all & if I come up with an idea she is making it while we are on the phone discussing it. Here are some of the photos of the different things she has made. The quilts that are shown are so amazing in person & they will make a wonderful keepsake. One is before my nephew went to Afghanistan & his son was going to be born while he was gone so she made "Baby Leo" a baby blanket of his daddy, another is of Dalen's baseball jersey/t-shirts, football, his Elementary school & Colts. The last is a quilt she made for my parents it is of all my family & old photos of us young & my parents when they were young. It turned out beautiful!!!

I have not had a chance to upload the flip-flops w/matching bows but I will do that soon to show how ADORABLE they are. Every time Annalei wears them people are going nuts over her & the shoes. My sis makes my daughter look so CUTE!!!! If you would to see more photos of her work or would like to contact her let me know & I will send you her email & phone number!!!