February 25, 2010


My niece is a photographer for Picture People & we were at the studio playing around taking pictures for Annalei's birthday invite for last year. It is so nice to have a photographer in the family!!! Anyway back to the story, Amy (my niece) wanted to try a silhouette with the umbrella & it turned out beautifully. Well then one day she was looking through a magazine at the studio & low & behold check out who make the magazine!!!!!

YEP, we have a celebrity on our hands, please NO autographs she is to young!!! My niece got a lot of calls from the big dogs of the studio about this photo & she was nominated for top photographer of the year, YEAH Amy!!!! Here was the original she took!!!!
Anyway I do hope the year is going well for everyone!!! We are very tired of winter & I am soooo ready for spring. The winter is always nice to stay home & relax because Dalen does not play basketball so we have a break before baseball starts.

We are planning our Gao Shao reunion that we are having in Michigan, can't wait to see all the girls again & visit with the families!!! The girls will all be 5, can't believe it, where has the past 4 years went!!!

Also, stay tuned our family has exciting news & we are going on an amazing adventure this year & a wonderful journey to tell all!!!


Mei Mei s and Mayhem said...

Wow, how cool is that!! Beautiful photo, love it.

Things are still moving slowly. We have been waiting over 2 weeks for our Agency to approve our homestudy. Very, very frustrating!!

Sammy said...

That is so neat!

Steffie B. said...

Ok....where is the picture of your 8 year old....do you have TA???? What is happening....I am dying to know! And the answer to your question was "yes".....and older.....I need to follow your journey.....email me! ;)

Erin said...

this is an AWESOME shot, wow! of course annalei is beautiful, but your niece is also really talented. so cool for both of them! :)