October 7, 2008


Annalei helped me make some homemade salsa the other day. She has always been a good helper & always wants to help me in the kitchen. Even though my 1 hour job turned into a 2 hour task it will be a day I cherish & remember forever. She was so cute everything had to be just perfectly straight & placed in the middle of the chopper before she would chop it up. I know just a little OCD!!!! After she worked hard making it she had to sit down & enjoy some of it!!!


agirlandhergun said...

How fun!! I love to cook with my kids and I love, love, love salsa!!! Great memory!

Doug and Terrye said...

Yum! Save me a bite! :)

Terrye in FL

Anonymous said...

I was expecting to see Annalei in a red ruffle dress with marachas. Salsa....the dance?? LOL!!