March 20, 2010


March 19, 2006 this precious angel was placed in my arms & it will be a day that is never forgotten!!!

4 years later I still hold on to each precious day that I can hold her tight!!!!

What a difference 4 years has been since she arrived home. She really is starting to blossom & coming out of her shell. It has taken awhile but we have finally made some progress this past year!!! We had a wonderful celebration of a day that is so emotional & meaning full & we look forward to many more!!! She kept saying "This is MY special day"!!! Also this week on March 14th Annalei got her wish that she has asked so many times before!!! She is finally getting a sister from China!!!! We have been Pre-Approved by China to move forward to adopt her older sister, Long Fu Mei!!! We can not post any pictures yet but she is so precious & we can not wait to add her to the "Dow" family!!! She has NO idea what her new world will be like but we look forward to seeing what God has planned for her life as a Dow!!!


Anonymous said...

You are such a good mommy Terri!! So excited to hear more about your new addition!

Erin said...

oh terri, this is amazing - what a blessing to have found out about annalei's sister and even more that you are able to take her as part of your family! i'm so happy for you all! lots and lots of love to you <3

Sammy said...

I love the pictures!

Mei Mei s and Mayhem said...

Happy 4 years!!! What a happy little girl!!

I cant believe it will be 2 years for us this summer!!

Doug and Terrye said...

How exciting!!! Can't wait until you can post pics. :)

Terrye in FL