February 26, 2007
Pine Wood Derby Race!!!!
Last Tuesday Dalen had is Pinewood Derby race for Cub Scouts. Him and Daddy had been working hard on his truck. Maybe Daddy more than Dalen, daddy is a little competitive!!! He ended up placing 3rd and was chosen for having the best looking car also!!! Daddy has already started thinking what they can do different to have the fastest car for next year. GREAT JOB, DALEN & DADDY!!!!
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10:06 AM
February 21, 2007
"Wedding and Sledding Weekend"!!!
The Dow's were very busy this past weekend. My niece got married and she asked Dalen to be the "Ring Bearer". He did so good and looked very handsome. This was his 3rd wedding to be a ring bearer, so he is a pro by now. Even though he was not overly excited about doing it, especially the wedding party dance that he had to dance with Addison the flower girl. The wedding was very beautiful. Congrats, Stacey and Chris!!!!
After the long weekend we decided to have a sledding party on Sunday to just have FUN!!! The Smith's came over that have 3 little girls from China, my sister in-law with her daughter and a friend and then Brooke and Madison Gates. We all had fun until Cheryl decided to become Ms. Fancy Pants on the snow board and she got hurt and is now on crutches. The doctors asked if she was to "OLD" to be doing that!!! That is what she gets for showing us all up. Hope you get better soon Cheryl.
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2:17 PM
February 12, 2007
Annalei is 20 months Today!!!!
It is hard to believe that she is already 20 months, where did the past 11 months go. She has come so far from that little 9 month old that could not sit up, roll over, grab for toys or even eat from a spoon. Now she is running all over the place, toys are everywhere and she is eating us out of the house. She has brought so much joy to our family and we can not imagine our lives without her. I look forward to every morning she wakes up to just hold her and kiss her and start another new day together. She is full of personality but she has definitely learned how to get what she wants without having to speak. She is still not talking to much, a lot of jibberjabberish stuff that we tell people she is speaking Chinese but she has started mimicking words that we say. She will say Mama, Dada, bubby or Dada (for Dalen), peek a boo, ball, duck, dog, read, cracker, as you can see we get really excited when she says a word. She is still very much a Velcro baby with me and Chad. She doesn't venture off from mommy's side during the day and then when daddy gets home she is right by his side. She also looks forward to Big Brother getting home from school. She will go to others if they are at our house but if we are out in public you might as well forget it.
She has gained 5 1/2 lbs and has grown 3 1/2 inches in 11 months. We were at the doctor this past Monday and she weighed 22 lbs and is 30 1/2 inches tall, I think we have a short one. She must get it from the Eaton side????? As much as this child eats I figure she would weigh a lot more. There is not to much that she won't eat.
Next month we will be celebrating our "1 year" that she was placed in our arms, now that is REALLY hard to believe. We thank God everyday for blessing us with this precious child and thankfully for choosing us to be her FOREVER FAMILY. She definitely fits perfectly!!!!
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9:40 PM
Daddy's Birthday and Playing in the snow!!!!

Friday Febuary 9th was Daddy's Birthday and he had been gone all week, so we decided to surprise him with a nice dinner and his favorite cake. Grandma Eaton makes the best "Red Velvet" cake with really good homemade icing. Since Grandma is in Florida Mommy had to attempt to make it. She has never been able to make the icing just like grandma does!!!! It must have been Mommy's lucky day though, she FINALLY did it, it tasted so good!!!! So after we prepared all the food and decorated the cake Annalei put on her "I Love Daddy" shirt. We were so excited to see daddy, but we gave him NO time to relax it was time to go play in the snow as soon as he walked in the door. It was the first time Annalei got all bundled up to play in the snow. She was not to sure of the white stuff so she stayed on the drive way most of the time. It was so cute because if she would fall she would not even try to get up. It was like "I have fallen and I won't get up until you come and get me"!!!! Then Dalen got her to go sledding, she loved it but didn't want to walk back up the hill, she made daddy carry her up. After a little while she grabbed mommy's hand and it was time to go inside. After we warmed up we ate dinner and then it was time for the CAKE!!!
Happy 38th Birthday Daddy!!!! Love, Dalen and Annalei
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9:02 PM
February 7, 2007

WOW, what a game!!!! Lots of cheering was going on in the Dow house Sunday night. I guess we never thought the day would come that we could celebrate a Superbowl Championship from Indiana!!! We all started at 1:30 that afternoon playing cards, eating lots of GREAT food and the kids playing. No one could enter the house if they were a Bears fan and they had to be wearing BLUE and WHITE!!! Annalei had a really good time and she didn't mind being a cheerleader for the day. Plus, she was in heaven with all the food and everyone that held her that day would feed her. She decided to table dance and play pool to work some of it off, but she still weighed a ton by bedtime!!!! Dalen was so pumped for 2 weeks and could not wait for the big game. He wore something Colts everday to school the week of the game and was helping me decorate the windows and get ready for the party. Poor thing woke up Sunday morning with a really bad ear ache and as the day went on he started getting a fever. He was such a good sport and tried to have a good time even though you could tell he was feeling horrible. He made it though and stayed up for the whole game to see his team win!!!!!
We all had a good time and thanks to the Colts for the big win!!!!
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10:41 PM
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