July 16, 2008


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I have finally put together a slide show of our week in Florida. It may seem a little long but I couldn't resist all the cute pictures of the kids!!! Each day was filled with the beach, pool, good eatin & bedtime fun!!! So, there are to many photos not to share & have as memories. This was Annalei's first trip to the beach so I have many pictures of Annalei playing in the sand. And once again Dalen never wanted to pose for the camera very often, I had to bribe him most of the time.

The highlight of the week, especially Dalen & Matti was watching the Blue Angels practice over the beach. They practiced on Thursday & Friday & their show was on Sat. which that was the day we were leaving so we will do things different next year. They were so amazing to watch & Miss Matti now wants to be a pilot when she grows up!!!

Another adventure of the week was going to the dog races. I had never been & it was a lot of fun. I never did any good at picking the right dog but my sisters strategy always seemed to work for her. Which ever dog had the best name she liked she would pick & it always seemed to win!!! The kids really enjoyed it & as soon as the dogs would take off they would be right up to the fence to cheer them on. I have no pictures from dog races because they would not allow cameras.

We already look forward to going back next year (of course the weekend the Blue Angels will be there) & hopefully more of our family will want to join us!!!

July 14, 2008


But not wanting to be!!! We had a wonderful time & it went to fast. This was Annalei's first time to really play on the beach & she had a ball. Each day we played on the beach & then went back to swim in the pool & then of course get ready to go eat some seafood!!! I will try to put a slide show together of all the FUN pictures of the kids but here are a few that I tried to take on the beach for Christmas cards. Little note to everyone you will not be getting a Christmas card of the kids on the beach!!! I see why you pay a photographer to do them!!! I waited to late in the week when they were exhausted & it was time to go eat so they were hungry & Momma needs lessons on how to take a good picture & it look clear. So, thanks to my bloggy friends & their help with photoshop I was able to make them look decent.

Stay tuned for more updates & pictures from vacation!!!

July 2, 2008


Even though I am not good about posting each day I wanted to let anyone & everyone that reads this blog that we are off to vacation & stay put because I will have LOTS of FUN post's once we get back. We are heading off to our friends in AL to play with a few monkeys (besides my husband & kids) & then we are meeting my sister, her husband my 2 great niece's my nephew & his fiance in FL!!! For a full week on the beach & complete relaxation!!!! I can say that because we are taking our babysitter with us this trip. Thank you so much Khrista for taking on this task!!!!

I wanted to give a big YELL out to Joe (my niece's boyfriend) to wish him luck this weekend in Omaha, Nebraska for the Olympic trials in swimming. He has been swimming for Ohio State & has taken this year off to train for the Olympics we are praying that all his hard work will pay off & we will be watching him in Beijing!!! This weekend we promise we will be glued in front of a TV watching a cheering for you. It may be at Pooter's (for anyone that is wondering it is really Hooter's but my niece Matti calls it Pooter's) but we will be right there with ya!!! Good Luck!!!!

Hope everyone has a great week & I will post pictures as soon as we get back!!!!